Occupational risk factors in manual coal mining industry in Eastern India – a perspective

Main Article Content

Ratadeep Saha


It is an opportunity for me to share my beliefs, vision and concern about this journal which has embarked onto its second issue in its second year. All new ventures in publishing are tiresome; risk prone and challenging and our heartfelt thanks go to some passionate core colleagues for nurturing this upcoming journal through its vital early developmental periods. It is the outcome of their flair and imagination that has established the journal in its new set up that manages to combine an attractive readable style with the quality of content that busy academicians are looking for. In this issue it includes original articles in several areas like psychosocial perception of medical students while going through their professional course, effect of advancing age on pulmonary functions in petrol pump workers etc. I personally believe that the journal now has a strong base on which it could further build up and we thank sincerely to the core committee members of the editorial team again for their commitment and skill they demonstrated in achieving this position.


Article Details

How to Cite
Saha, R. (2014). Occupational risk factors in manual coal mining industry in Eastern India – a perspective. Medical Science, 2(2), 99-100. https://doi.org/10.29387/ms.2014.2.2.99-100
Author Biography

Ratadeep Saha, Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia, Malaysia

Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology


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